K.Kalimuthu, General Secretary, CHQ Camp at TNagar HPO, Chennai 600017(TN), Mobile 9566330927, 8667686382,
Please eMail your grievances/suggestions if any to aiapstncircle@gmail.com
The recognized service association to protect the welfare of the Postmaster cadre/LSG line/MACP officials...
Monday, October 30, 2017
Financial Inclusion Will Be Marketed By India Post Payments Bank : Manoj Sinha

Sunday, October 29, 2017
One of the outcome of AIAPS joint memorandum dated 22.09.2017 Further CSI roll out was stopped till set right the CSI issues!!!
AIAPS CHQ had submitted the reminder I to implement the Cadre restructure immediately!!!
Subject: Request to expedite the reports/recommendations from the Cadre Restructuring review Committee as per the directorate time lines fixed to implement the cadre restructure immediately - reg
CSI implementation issues - AIAPS had submitted the Joint Memorandum to the Secretary Posts!!!
Special CL requested office bearers list to attend the CWC at Pollachi on 06.11.2017 and 07.11.2017
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Saturday, October 14, 2017
India Post Payments Bank to get 650 branches across India to establish financial inclusion: Manoj Sinha
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Why other unions started to agitate to not to give trade union facilities to our Postmasters and supervisors association (AIAPS)???!!!
Saturday, October 7, 2017
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Dussehra wishes to all by the team AIAPS
I loved the concept:
There are four yugas widely accepted in Hinduism. They are :
1. Satya yug
2. Treta yug (Ramayana)
3. Dwapara yug(Mahabharata)
4. Kal yug(Present)
In Satya yug, the fight was between two worlds (Devalok & Asuralok). Asuralok being the evil, was a different WORLD.
In Treta yug, the fight was between Rama and Ravana. Both rulers from two different COUNTRIES.
In Dwapara yug, the fight was between Pandavas and Kauravas. Both good and evil from the SAME FAMILY.
Kindly note how the evil is getting closer. For example, from a DIFFERENT WORLD to a DIFFERENT COUNTRY to the SAME FAMILY.
Now, know where is the evil in Kaliyug???
It is inside us. Both GOOD AND EVIL LIVE WITHIN. The battle is within us. Who will we give victory to, our inner goodness or the evil within??
Think, identify and fight..
Happy Dussehra