Dear Postmaster Cadre officials,
Did you apply to get one notional increment? One notional increment is eligible to the officials on their promotion to the posts carrying higher duties and responsibilities. It is came to know that many of our Postmaster cadre officials, who promoted to their existing same grade pay, Postmaster cadre post are not applied to get the notional increment. FNPO took this subject and wrote to the secretary of DOP. Kindly see the below letter please.
Phone: 23350301
Ch- 17-2-17, Atul Grove Road, N Delhi-1
No. 6-1 Dated: 10-5-2013
The Secretary
Department of Posts, N Delhi-1
Respected Madam,
Sub: Fixation of Pay on promotion to a post carrying higher duties and Responsibilities but carrying the same grade pay.
Ref: Dept. of Exp. Min. of Finance OMs dtd 24.11.2000 & 07.01.2013
The Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, vide their OM.No. 10/02/2011-E.III/A dtd 07.01.2013 has issued orders for fixation of pay on promotion to the posts carrying higher duties and responsibilities but carrying the same grade pay and these orders could be implemented in those cases where the promotion is on or after 01.01.2006. But in para 2 of the same OM there is a mention of a previous OM.No. 169/2/2000-IC dtd 24.11.2000 dealing with the situation whereby both the feeder and the promotional grades were placed in the identical revised pay scales based on the recommendations of the 5 th CPC.
In this context it is to state that in the Department of Posts, the norm based posts in the cadre of LSG, HSG-II and HSG-I carry higher duties and responsibilities( Supervisory posts) and on promotion to these posts by way of selection through departmental competitive examination or by DPC the officials promoted to these posts from the feeder cadre are eligible for fixation of pay under FR.22(1) a(i) who were drawing pay in an identical scale of pay in the light of the orders issued in the above mentioned Finance Ministry OMs.
In the Dept. of Posts prior to introduction of MACP scheme, the officials are given financial up gradation under TBOP and BCR on completion of 16yrs and 26 yrs of service in the respective cadres as the promotional avenues is very less due to less number of norm based posts called the supervisory posts. It is fact that TBOP and BCR are only financial upgradation and not promotion given to the officials in our Department. The feeder cadre for LSG is PA, for HSG-II it is LSG and for HSG-I it is HSG-II respectively.